Desks for vulnerable school going children

Date Published: 3/20/2024

It is quite absurd that most young school going children in schools of rural parts of Uganda Wakiso district (green valley primary school, kamuganguzi primary school, mayengo primary school and bright college school nasana to mention but a few) never have a good life at all, they never have good food, good clothes and education. even the minimal chances of education they have comes in undesirable conditions with no school uniform, no shoes, not enough classrooms and no desks to sit on.
Children have to sit on sun and more unfortunately on ground, grass and stones as they do not have desks at all. life gets harder for them each day that goes by girls in menstruation periods having to sit on ground without sanitary pads makes the staining of their dresses easier with blood and soil combined, they end up having urinary tract infections. yet they cannot afford health care medication. this has threatened their lives causing most of them to drop out of school and getting married at a tender age of as early as 12 years.
children who can endure sitting on ground for one full school term that's approximately three months. are considered as determined scholars though life gets tougher for them mostly in rainy seasons, they need a motivation, an encouragement which am sure having something to sit on is their dream and wish every other school day. $4000 can buy around 200 desks each sitting 4 pupils/ students. meaning $4000 can buy desks for three classes in a school. let's motivate them, let's make their wish for a good and bright future come to light.
Nurturing for Future Development -Organization Uganda(NFDO-UGANDA )does great work and more to such groups of children , women and girls through fundraising online please for more information refer to our website for more information and clarity about our work .
Desks for vulnerable school going children
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