Hold On - Everything Will be OK

Date Published: 5/25/2020

Our minds are so powerful and we tend to believe what they tell us despite it often not being true.


With most of us online even more than usual during this strange time the possibility of that annoying voice sneaking up as you scroll pointing out how everyone else on Instagram/Facebook seems to be handling things so much better than you & doing everything so well is higher.


It tends to visit me when things are going well and I feel proud of myself and whispers "it won't last, you'll mess it up, it's too good to be true and everyone will soon realise what your really like..." But I've learnt that if I take it's arrival as a sign I need to slow down a little, sleep more, laugh a little longer, be online a little less and generally take care of myself it will disappear back into the darkness it came from rather than envelope me in it.


Beautiful drawing by Charlie Macksey.


Follow Hannah Lilly Joy Project on Instagram www.instagram.com/tinysparklebigjoy or www.instagram.com/hannahlillybella
Hold On - Everything Will be OK
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