Wish granted - work in progress:Building the Potable Water for the Tribe

Date Published: 1/04/2021

Due to the Aeta's of Sitio Bihawo Indigenous People Community living in a far-flung mountain area, It is hard for them to receive help, that is why until now the solution to their problem of having a better water source hasn't reached them yet. Instead, their water source is very far from their homes making the women and children walk daily for their water supply


But thanks to the WishWall Foundation and celebrity influencer, Simonetta Lein. The Smile Project has started building a Potable Water Pump. And this Smile4Water project will benefit 207 families in the area and more in the nearby communities for generations to come.

We have started the construction of the water pump by digging and drilling down up to 50 to 100 feet until we get to the water beneath the ground, then we will install the pipes and a jetmatic water pump that will push the water up.


Together we are able to give essential help to these underserved communities.
Wish granted - work in progress:Building the Potable Water for the Tribe
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