Fe: Mindful mindset

Date Published: 9/14/2023

As the seasons changes, it’s a time to plan for the rest of the year and give yourself some credit.

Sometimes, the voices in our heads are caring and sometimes they are something we need to be careful of. Often times, our friends weigh in on a decision you are making and their comments might make you happy or have you question everything. We all experience feelings of self-doubt from time to time, whether we're starting a new job, taking a test in school, or playing a sport. That's completely normal. The definition of self-doubt is experiencing feelings of uncertainty about one or more aspects of yourself or decisions you are making. Is self-doubt bad? Maybe not.

A certain low level of self-criticism can be a good source of motivation. It may inspire you to work harder and hone your skills to increase your confidence. But too much doubt and fear can hold you from performing well and reaching your full potential. At the core of too much self-doubt is a lack of confidence regarding yourself and your abilities. And it is directly correlated to your mindset, which hopefully is a growth mindset believing you can learn what you need to learn to be successful. But if you have a fixed mindset, then that holds you back from succeeding and believing in yourself.

Be kind to yourself. Self-doubt means that you’re holding yourself back. It arises from the fear of making a mistake, but mistakes are how we grow and improve our own abilities. Look at yourself in the mirror and say three positive things at the beginning of every day.
Past achievements are your friend. When we make a mistake, too often we just dwell on it as if it defines us. Take a moment to self-reflect as it reminds us that we’re capable of what we want to achieve. You have had accomplishments in the past and will do so again. Learn from what’s happened; don’t dwell on the bad, and focus instead on the lessons you’ve learned is what truly matters.

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Akasha Lin
Akasha Garnier for #TheWishwall
Author, Brand Expert, Filmmaker
Photo: AkashaLin
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Fe: Mindful mindset
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