Finding Calm in the Chaos

Date Published: 3/20/2020

These are extraordinary times & I'm currently switching between complete calm and middle of the night, can't sleep, can't breathe panic.

Little did I know that when I made the difficult decision to take a month off to focus on my mental health that the world would have to take a break too.


The uncertainty & lack of routine is tough for everyone and for anyone whose anxiety is rising this 5 step exercise can be really helpful.

My freak out today was that no one will ever want to or be able to take part in my runclub or Joy Projects again but I keep reminding myself all we control is how we react to now. I've also learnt that it does help to share how you feel and that people care a lot.


Be kind, be safe, be compassionate and remember you are not alone.

Finding Calm in the Chaos
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