Let’s Help One Another Not Judge One Another

Date Published: 4/18/2018

Last week two Black men were arrested at Starbucks. Their crime was wanting to use the bathroom without buying anything. This Starbucks was in a predominately white neighborhood and the manager who called the cops had internal biases. If a person is taught that minorities loiter at a higher rate than whites (which is an unproven fact), then they will have that thought in their minds especially if they are in a position of power.


My wish is to reflect on some of our own internal biases to see how we can minimize the effect they have on our everyday lives. I had an internal bias when it came to homeless people and I’d roll up my windows at a red light when a homeless person would ask for money. I was afraid of them. I could tell they felt less than when I would do that so now I keep my windows down because I know there is no factual uses to my internal biases of being attached or robbed.


Update:Starbucks will close their 8,000 company owned stores on May 29th to teach about racial bias.


Peace and Love,

Andrew of We Take Note for The Wishwall


Photo Credit: Vice News
Let’s Help One Another Not Judge One Another
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