You Are so Much More

Date Published: 6/17/2020

Despite being what I would consider a fairly intelligent, strong & confident women this extra time on my hands has brought some old demons to the surface.

Finding myself being over critical when I look in the mirror, needing to exercise or I feel agitated, looking back on photos of me before I got pregnant with Josh and comparing my "now" body with that one.

I'm particularly annoyed because I've come so far and I'd much rather fill my head with positive thoughts than these "my arms/legs/back look big/flabby" blah,blah,blah shite or be umming and aaaahing about whether or not I should have a glass of wine.

Exercise and food have been a way of feeling in control of my life since I was about 11 and I with the current situation that's been magnified.

Anyway I'm sharing this because incase lockdown has brought up body or food issues for you - don't feel alone, your not and maybe you could join me in trying to say something nice to yourself when you look in the mirror. You are so much more than your body or number on a weighing scales.

We will get through this.

Sending love. 💜
You Are so Much More
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