Practicing to Live

Date Published: 5/23/2018

Well it happened again on Friday. We had another school shooting in Santa Fe, Texas. I’ve written a lot about how I feel about gun reform and how we should try to stop these shootings from happening. But I’m not going to do that this week. Instead, I’m going to reflect on when I was in high school and we had lockdown drills at my school. I never took them seriously. I thought there was no way, in a million years, that someone would shoot up the school. I would laugh and chat with my friends during these types of drills. Now that school shootings are much more prevalent, I understand the importance of those drills.


My wish is that we all take these safety protocols seriously. Whether it’s a lockdown drill or finding the closest exit when we walk into a public space, little steps will help us stay safe in the future.


Peace and Love,

Andrew of We Take Note for The Wishwall


Photo Credit: Today
Practicing to Live
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